Tuesday, May 26, 2015

GoPure 100% Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil

For the longest time, I've heard about all of the amazing benefits of using essential oils and have wanted to give them a try. I've gone as far as purchasing an entire essential oil sampler package, but soon found out that it's not safe to put them straight onto your skin. That's why, when GoPure offered to send me their 100% Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil in exchange for my non-biased review, I didn't hesitate to agree. This coconut oil can be used as a carrier oil in conjunction with essential oils, which was exactly what I was in need of! I currently use non-fractionated coconut oil in cooking, bath products, and for oil pulling, so I was curious to see it used in other applications.

When the product arrived, I was surprised to see how large of a container it came in. The 16 fl oz is bound to last my family months, even with regular use. I was also surprised to see how liquid it was. I've been so accustomed to the thick, chunky coconut oil, I wasn't aware that fractionated coconut oil could be so water-like.

The product claims to be fragrance-free and non-greasy, both of which I doubted were possible when dealing with coconut oils. It is accurate to say that this oil is truly fragrance-free, which makes it perfect for adding other essential oils to. The non-greasy claim, however, doesn't hold quite as true. While this isn't a deal-breaker for me to not use the product, I do feel as if "non-greasy" should be removed from their claims.

Although I did not originally intend to use this product for it's massage oil purpose, I also gave it a try. I was impressed to see how long the moisturizing properties of the oil lasted - where as some products absorb into the skin so quickly, you are required to continue applying more and more - with this coconut oil, just a little went a long way.

In the end, I have enjoyed using this product much more than I originally anticipated. Once our supply is depleted (though this truly will take many more months), I plan on re-ordering more of GoPure's 100% Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil.  If you'd like to order some yourself, head on over to http://www.amazon.com/BEST-Fractionated-Coconut-goPure-Roll-/dp/B00T0UBVX6 and pick some up!

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